RSS clients, please, stop pinging every 60 seconds

Hi, everyone. I know that y’all is simply craving to hear everything that I have to say, as quickly as I say it.  That’s why you use an RSS client, to keep track of my blog.  You keep tabs on me, because I’m worth keeping tabs on.  I’m so worth it that your RSS client is printing my blog’s RSS feed every 60 seconds.

I might say something. At any time.

From this day forward, I’ll separate my blog postings by several hours, if not days or months.  You won’t miss anything, really, if you polled less frequently.  Besides, you’re probably a Twitter user.  Follow me on Twitter, @slfritchie, to get your fix.

My firewall might say something.  To you,  At any time.

Except that you’re likely running on an EC2 instance.  Fickle, mercurial.  Poised to multiply a thousandfold like tribbles, overruning my modest ISP service, flooding its virtual storage bins with cute replicas of their fuzzy terror.

The firewall “man” page says nothing about filtering TDP, the Tribble DoS Protocol.  Drat.  I need an upgrade.  At an unknown time.